
AM-4 FTP User Name and Password

Older generations of AM-4 with (firmware 3 or below) have the following Default Settings:
User:  Admin
Password:  Admin

Current version of AM-4 (Firmware 4.63) have the following Default Settings:
User:  admin
Password:  password

If everything else fails, let's try setting up a new password via AMI-Terminal.

Under Custom String
Set FTP User Name: "nUS"h0D (where n=user name up to 32 Characters) "adminUS"h0D and click on Send
You should see R<0D> as response

Now let's setup the password...
Set FTP password: "pPW"h0D (where p=password up to 32 Characters) "passwordPW"h0D

Your new FTP User and Password info should be as follow:


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