Syncing Multiple Binloops with a show controller
The easiest way to sync multiple Binloops is using an external show controller.
To synchronize multiple Binloops you must first have an external video sync source such as a Horita BSG-50 connected to each Binloop, as well as your show controller. The second thing you must have is a way to frame accurately trigger the binloops to start in sync. Both the Alcorn McBride V16Pro and V16X show controllers are capable of doing this.
A Brief tutorial using WinScript Live is shown below:
- Create a new sequence to trigger the multiple Binloops.
- Use the SPlay event to trigger synchronous playback with multiple Binloops. The All parameter is used in Param1 to trigger playback in every video reproducer on the Binloop. Param2 tells the Binloop which media file to play.
- Click the
button in the events window.
- Navigate to the Behavior tab and uncheck "Wait For Device Responses." This allows the show controller to instantly send out the command to every device, rather than waiting to send the command for a device until it gets a response from the previous device.
Syncing Multiple Binloops with a SMPTE Trigger
If you are triggering via SMPTE, you'll still need a V-Sync source. Checkout this Knowledge Base article for more details.
If you are using a Binloop as a SMPTE master, you must perform the following steps:
Select one Binloop to be the master and configure it as described below. The SMPTE output of the master can then be connected to the SMPTE input of the first slave. The SMPTE output of the first slave can be connected to the SMPTE input of the second slave and so on. Each slave must be configured as described below. All of the Binloops are now synchronized to start on the same frame due to the SMPTE source and to stay synchronized due to the V-Sync source.
Master Binloop Config
Using the Binloop Config software, configure the SMPTE settings to Generate SMPTE and check the "Start Automatically on Power Up" checkbox, or provide some external means of Enabling SMPTE on demand to master (e.g. push button, Serial Command, or Ethernet command).
Slave Binloop Config
Using the Binloop Config software, configure the SMPTE settings to Read SMPTE.
Create your trigger table as needed for the attraction by following the "TIMECODE TRIGGER List" in the manual. Set Slave Binloop trigger times to one frame earlier than the master.
If you are using a third party external SMPTE generator, you must perform the following steps:
Put all Binloops in READ MODE. Build your trigger table with synchronized Trigger times, and ensure the "Start Automatically On Power Up" checkbox is checked.