If you are using the V16Pro and WinScriptLive, use the "triggers" dialog to create a Real-Time clock trigger.
If you are using WinScript 3.0 and a V16+, V4+, V2+ or Interactivator, you can either use a third party real time clock module, such as the one made by ESE (see the appendix of the http://www.alcorn.com/library/manuals/index.html Show Control User's Guide for more information or you can configure a PC to send the current time to the show controller's state variables. We provide free http://www.alcorn.com/support/software.html clock server software to do this. One advantage of having a PC in the system is that you can also use it to log show status to its CRT or printer. The following variables will be filled in:
var32= frames (0)
You can also use a WEBster as a real-time clock interface for V16+, V4+, V2+ or InterActivator.
How do I trigger a sequence at a particular time of day or day of the week?
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