
How can I get log information from my V16Pro, V4Pro, or VCore?

Logging information from Sequence Status, Variable Status, Device Messages, and other Custom information can be found using the WinScriptLive "Live Log."

An example of the log is shown below:

The data in the Live Log can be customized by adding resources to the WinScriptLive "Watch List" and/or by using the "Log Message" event in a sequence.

ShowTouch Log

ShowTouch automatically creates a log touch panel for every "Watch List" that is created. Therefore, stand-alone instances of Touch can be used for monitoring instead of having to launch WinScriptLive.

Command line arguments can be used in a shortcut to start the appropriate Live Log page based on a shortcut double click.

Watch List for Live Log

Only the items that are added to the watch list will display status in the log. Resources such as Sequences, Inputs, Outputs, Variables, and Devices can be added. "All Sequences" can also be watched using the button at the top of the "Live Log" window. When watching a "Device", the strings sent and received from that device will be displayed in the log. 

Custom Log Message

A custom log message can be sent using the "Event" of "Log Message" in any sequence. 

A log message has a priority of “Information”, “Warning” or “Error”.
Optionally, variables may be used as part of the string the string. This is similar to the sprintf function found in C.
Event Syntax

Data2's "Format String" is made up of placeholders that indicate where and how the variables in Data3-DataN should be inserted. The table below on page 85 of the WinSriptLive Manual shows what % character should be used to format the string. In general, %s will work in most cases.


Saving to a File

The "Save to File" button on the toolbar of the "Live Log" window can be used to print the contents of the log to a file as it is received. The file will constantly be printed to while the "Save to File" button is checked. When unchecked, the log will stop saving the data and allow you to edit/view the file. After the file reaches a certain size, a new file is created with the same name and a date stamp appended.


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