The correct encoding of the Audio files is crucial to the operation of our players. There are multiple programs available that allow you to re-encode audio files, but we have used iTunes with our players with great success. Also, iTunes is a free download from Apple.
*Remember to always use the windows version and Windows PC only to transfer files to our players and CF cards
First you will need to know what audio format is supported by your player. Refer to the user guide for your device to see what file formats, sample rates and bit rates are allowed.
These are the steps to re-encode with iTunes:
1) Download and install iTunes from the apple website.
2) Open iTunes and in the top menu go to Edit>Preferences.
3) Click on the "General" tab and then "Import settings". Select WAV Encoder and custom.
4) Select your sample rate, bit rate and channels to stereo (or mono if it is a mono file).
5) Click OK until you are out of the preferences window.
6) Click on "My music" in the center top part of iTunes.
7) Drag and drop your audio file from your desktop or other location to the main window of iTunes.
8) Select the file by clicking once on it and then go to File>Convert>Create WAV Version.
9) Once it is done, you will see a duplicate file name on the list, this new file is your re-encoded file. Drag and drop it out of iTunes into your desktop.
* You should confirm you have the right one by checking the created date/time. Right click on the file, then select properties and under the "General" tab make sure the created date/time matches the time when you did it.
10) That is it! your file is ready to be loaded into the CF card of the player.