Our RidePlayer, V16X, and V4X Show Controllers all possess the capability of natively outputting one universe of DMX. Despite its simplicity, DMX out of these products is certainly powerful. Through scripting, each channel of the single universe can be set.
For a more in-depth look at this functionality, check out the Lighting Control lesson of our Alcorn McBride Academy (Free Online Video Course):https://alcorn.com/training/
Set Up Process:
The first step to using DMX is to create a new "Custom" device on the RidePlayer or VX Series controllers. On the "Set up the connection" dialog box, choose "dmx512" as the connection type and protocol then finish the wizard.
If you named your device "DMX" you will now have a device variable (under the DMX) known as "DMX.DMX" This is your DMX 512 Universe variable array.
These values will be sent over Serial Port 1 on the show controllers, in accordance with the DMX protocol. Only Serial Port 1 is meant for DMX control in the V16X and V4X.
Programming Events:
Four device events are available to use to script your DMX.
Get At: Gets the value of the the DMX at a particular Channel
The Get At command works as it does elsewhere in Winscript Live. Get At is used for arrays. It gets the value of the variable at a certain position.
Set At: Set specific DMX Channel to a value. When using the Set At Command, three parameters are needed:
Parameter 1) DMX Variable (the universe mentioned earlier) in the attached example: DMX.DMX
Parameter 2) The DMX Channel
Parameter 3) The value to set it to (0-255)
Set Value =:Sets the value of a DMX Channel to a specific value
When using the Set Value = command, 2 parameters are needed:
Parameter 1) DMX Variable AND CHANNEL IN BRACKETS (example: for channel 10): DMX.DMX[10]
Parameter 2) The value to set it to (0-255)
Ramp: Ramp the value of the DMX Channel over time. When using the Ramp command, 3 parameters are needed:
Parameter 1) DMX Channel - Otherwise known as the DMX address - a value between (1-512)
Parameter 2)DMX Target Value - The 'target' value you wish to achieve after the 'ramp' is complete - a value between (0-255)
Parameter 3) Ramp Duration - The amount of time you wish it to take for the specified 'DMX Channel' to transition from its current value to the 'DMX Target Value' - Specified in WinScript timecode format (i.e. 00:00:01.23)
DMX Values as Percentages:
If you're trying to equate a DMX Value (0-255) as a percentage, you'd use the following math:
100% = 255
50% = 128
25% = 64
0% = 0
Wiring and Pin Outs (RidePlayer):
1 ---GROUND --- 7
2 ---NEGATIVE--- 9
3 ---POSITIVE--- 2
Wiring and Pin Outs (V16X, V4X):
1 ---GROUND --- 5
2 ---NEGATIVE--- 1
3 ---POSITIVE--- 2
Reminder: The 5-Pin Phoenix Terminal MUST be plugged into serial port 1 on the V16X/V4X Controllers.